Orquesta Típica Andariega
After several successful tours during the lasts years, where the orchestra visited different nations as Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Argentina and Chile and played in tango festivals, milongas and well known theaters, > > La Orquesta Típica Andariega is now arranging its 4th European Tour in May/June 2015. > > I hereby send you a presentation of the orchestra offering a live performance during this tour. > > La Orquesta Típica Andariega was created in Buenos Aires September 2009 and is directed by the double bass player Luigi Coviello. The orchestra consists of nine musicians and fulfil with the format for the traditional typical tango orchestra: > > 3 violins, 3 bandoneons, piano, double bass and a singer. The orchestra has a repertoire"bien milonguero" - as we say in Spanish - which means that it is a music connected intimately to the milonga and good for dancing! It a mix between new arrangements of the most popular tangos and totally new tango compositions that preserve the rhythmic and danceable spirit of the Forties and at the same time add to the new tango movement of 2000.One of its characteristics is the sharply marked pulse of Biagi, the deep groove of Di Sarli and the rich counterpoint of Pugliese where the melody moves from one instrument to another all the time. That gives it a certain humour and good dynamics.The audience enjoys the power in the performance of the group and appreciate the young, energetic style of the music - for dancing as well as for listening. > > > > See a video with the orchestra: > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDgyirn-dvo&list=UUVlQiice0YDTeXJPVphdEWw > > The Typical Orchestra Andariega performs constantly on different of the most appreciated stages in Buenos Aires, among these: La Viruta, Torquato Tasso, Confiteria Ideal, Milonga Parakultural – Salón Canning, Festival Internacional de Tango in Buenos Aires, Festival de Vendemia en Buenos Aires, Festival Independiente de Tango en Buenos Aires and Teatro Orlando Goñi. > > PH: K. J. HANSEN > > For more than four years La Milonga Andariega has been the weekly stage for the orchestra every Wednesday in the neighbourhood of San Telmo.The milonga has a friendly, unique atmosphere with tango classes, dance performances and live music by the orchestra and by invited groups. > > In November 2011 the first CD of the orchestra “Pertenencia” was launched in Buenos Aires and in September 2014 the second CD: “Andiamo” arrived, a CD consisting of only new tango compositions. At the moment the orchestra is in the studio to record their third CD “Balliamo”, which will include all the new tango arrangements of the most appreciated tangos, which La Andariega is performing in their live shows. > > Repertoire: > > Classics: Al compás del corazon (Federico –Expósito), Poema (Melfi – Bianco), Loca (Jovés), Oigo tu voz (Canaro), Junto a tu corazón (Francini – Contursi), Humillación (Biagi – Bahr), Ella es asi (Carretero), Esta noche de luna (Garcia – Gómez – Marcó), El huracan (Donato), Inspiración (Paulos), Te aconsejo que me olvides (Maffia – Curi) Tabaco (Pontier – Contursi), Corralera (Aieta), Oro y Plata (Charlo – Manzi) y Tres amigos (Cadicamo) > > Original compositions: Tormenta, Retumbo, Milomba, Andiamo, Potenza, Balliamo, Lontano, Buonasera, No me hables, Jamas retornarás, Sin tu amor y Gira gira. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDgyirn-dvo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDgU5xkIAQo
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