La Petit Social Del Tango And Orquesta Social Del TANGO
This groups are based on traditional arrangements, recalling Orchestras such as Carlos Disarli, Florindo Sassone, Juan D'arienzo, De Angelis, Troilo among others.
Throughout these four year "la Petit Social del Tango and Orquesta social del tango" has participated in different festivals and milongas in countries such as Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Norway, France, Switzerland,finland, Italy, Japan, Greece,germany, Japan, Scotland, England. among others.
Fortunately he has other great elements within the orchestra, Mauricio Vuoto experienced tango pianist David Merlín virtuoso violinist, Hernan Hock Multi instrumentist with many years playing tango and Nicolas Quintela a very special bass player with rhythm accured who put the detail at high levels.
All the members have a long musical experience in tango as in other musical styles.
In short, this Orchestra will leave you wanting to continue dancing all night, as we will experience a beautiful communion between musicians and danc
Telefono: 0034 634 288 462
Web site: http://clubsocialdeltango.wixsite.com/socialdeltango
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